Repair WHATSMINER M20/21

Repair Whatsminer M20/21

How much does it cost to repair Whatsminer M20/21 - from 20 000r. depending on the complexity of the breakage.
In the UMC service center the cause of the breakdown and the timing of resolution of the problem can be established in an hour. It all depends on the causes of the breakdown (marriage, improper use, exposure to the environment) and the complexity of work to replace the part.

Before we begin your M20/21 repair, we'll be sure to call you and agree on a work plan and cost. No unexpected bills - everything is extremely transparent, plus - it's more profitable to buy parts from us, because they are immediately in the service center.

What can be broken in Whatsminer M20 or 21?

  • Control board
  • Hashboards
  • Coolers
  • Power supply/cables

How long will it take to repair a ASIC miner M20/21?

As short a time as possible. Because UMC already has a stock of in-demand parts for Whatsminer models - hash boards, control boards, stubs, cables. As soon as the breakdown is identified, a specialist will begin to repair or replace the part. Extend the repair only if you need a special part, the delivery of which will have to wait from the manufacturer.

After the repair we will launch and test your ASIC miner, whether it works stably and at full power. We know how to fix everything and how to test everything!