
Altcoin Kadena: what kind of coin and what asics to mine it on?

Shh... (We're the only ones) New for Kadena

Right now you can mine up to 6 Kadena and get $7 net per day. Profits are increasing, but what will happen when the market takes off?

IbeLink BM-K1+ and BM-K1MAX run on the Blake2S algorithm. The hashing speed is high 15/32TH with an optimal consumption of 2.2/3.2 kW. Thus, BM-K1+ is suitable for farms with high power costs. For miners, it is an opportunity to save money.

IbeLink BM-K1+ and BM-K1MAX brought from China especially for you!

We mine promising coins

Contact us:

8 800 333-43-32

UMC on Telegram:
@AntonMsk77 |B2B, leasing|
@LiyaUMC | orders from 20 million|
@Yulya_UMC |hosting, asics|
@umc_market |hosting from 500 units, asics|
@UMC_Alena lassiki, containers|
2022-04-05 15:15