Repair of Whatsminer embedded power supplies

Price 14 000 RUB

Repair of built-in units Whatsminer in Moscow with delivery

For the best performance, ASIC miners are equipped with built-in power supply units. They give maximum energy efficiency and the necessary power - so it is most economical to use the power supply. And it is always unpleasant if the built-in Whatsminer unit fails, the replacement will not be made specifically for this ASIC miner.

The plus is that the service center UMC masters specialize in repairing ASIC miners and components for them, so not only correctly diagnose the cause of failure and the problem, but also offer inexpensive options for repair.

Built-in power supply Whatsminer works all the time, 24/7, hence the rapid wear and tear. If you identify the problem early on, the unit failure will not lead to more serious problems with the ASIC miner.

Why Whatsminer embedded unit repair may be required:

  • Mains voltage failure, surge, or reactive currents when the fuse system is broken.
  • Excessive power (occurs if the ASIC miner is overclocked and requires more power, but the unit is rated at the manufacturer's stated capacity).
  • Dust, debris or moisture getting inside. Alien elements settle on the internal components of the circuit, leading to a load or complete power failure.
  • Causes natural wear and tear from constant use. Due to the electromagnetic field attracting fine dust, capacitors and other elements sooner or later wear out and need to be renewed.

It is not always necessary to replace the power supply, it can often be repaired at a much lower cost. Repairs are more economical, and a repaired Watsmineer PS will last just as long after a good diagnosis.
Send via TK/bring your mining equipment, UMC can handle it for sure!